Interested in joining the board, e-mail us at volunteer@mpowerwa.org and let us know what your interests are.
We're always looking for dedicated community members to add their skills to our board.

Kai Abrahamson, Board President
Kai is a newer member of the community, most recently moved here from a small town in northern Minnesota and he is excited to get to know more about Olympia. He has a passion for most things outdoors so if he is not volunteering for Mpowerment, Pizza Klatch, or Capital City Pride, he will most likely be found in one of the many great PNW trails.

Daniel Bumbarger, Treasurer
Daniel joined Mpowerment Olympia in 2011 as a volunteer. He served as a volunteer coordinator until Mpowerment Washington was incorporated in 2014. Originally from Pennsylvania, Daniel worked for almost a decade in management for Walmart. He now works for the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner as a Management Analyst.

Herman Claudius, Secretary
Born in Norway, Herman moved to Washington in pursuit of an education before settling down. He loves being involved in the community and is currently serving as board secretary.

Lucas Miller, Community Liaison
Lucas Scott Miller moved to WA from the east coast in 2003, and is active in many local GLBTQ+ organizations, including MpowermentWA, PFLAG-Olympia, Pizza Klatch and Capital City Pride. He is also president of the Trans Advocacy Group of Olympia and host of the show T-Time in Olympia on TCM.